
How to Get Rid of Belly Fat - A Five Step Strategy

People at the gym everyday ask two common things,

  • How to get a six pack?
  • How to get rid of belly fat?
  • How to lose stomach fat?

Well, can you tell me how to become the wolrd's richest man in one night? NO?

"Rome wasn't built in a day but it was built eventually." It is the exact same answer I can give you if you ask how to get rid of belly fat. Fat is not like a hard drive where it takes time to copy and but deletes in a zap. It is the opposite. Fat stores very fast but it is damn hard work to get rid of it.

Well, it's time you learn the hardcore way to lose the belly fat and get that six pack or the sexy sculpted ab you always wanted. I am going to show you 5 hardcore steps to get rid of belly fat in less time than you are promised in a gym.

Step 1: If you are confused about whether your goal is to lose fat or build muscle, then RIGHT NOW you're going to change your goal to Lose Fat. You will build muscle along the way.

Step 2: Always and Always, watch what you eat. Diet and Nutrition are like THE most important factor to lose belly fat fast. The amount of calories burnt needs to be higher than the amount of calories you take in. But that doesnt mean you need to eat less and starve. The Hardcore way is to eat 6-8 small meals of 300-400 calories througout the day. It's crazy but it is really efficient in losing fat fast.

Step 3: Add more protein into your nutrition. If you are eating 6-8 meals a day, don't forget to have a piece of lean protein on everymeal. eg: Lean Breast or Lean Meat or Protein Shake. This will accelerate your fat loss through the roof.

Step 4. Add Weight Training workouts three times a week. And by weight training I don't mean doing single movement exercises that only work your arms or your chest. But you are going to be doing compound supersets like Dumbell Squats, Dumbell Dead Lifts, DB Bench Press etc.. because your main goal is fat loss and targetting major muscle groups tend to use smaller muscle groups into the workout as well and this is the best way to fire up your Metabolism.

Step 5. HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training. After doing your weight training, immediately jump into your stationary bike or treadmill and do HIIT cardio for 20 Minutes. This can be done on days you don't do weight training as well. But if you want to get rid of that belly fat a little faster then try doing Intervals.

Research has it that doing weight training depletes your glycogen stores and then it starts using that stubborn fat for energy. This is good news. So once you finish your training, try to complete your intervals as well. This is a guaranteed way to help you get rid of your belly fat.

A Secret Step 6 - Always change your workout plan every 4 weeks to avoid falling prey to plateaus.

Now you have all understood the FIVE ultimate steps to get rid of belly fat. Let me summarise it for you. Fat loss is your primary goal, eat six to eight meals a day, add lean protein to every meal, weight training 3-4 days a week, HIIT for 20 minutes. Don't forget to change your workouts every four weeks.

Are you lazy to go to the gym? You want to workout at home? How about working out 45 min a Day, Three times a week, all that is need to not only get rid of your belly fat, but also get a sexy beach body in less time possible.

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