The most popular question in the weight loss industry is the question, " How to lose stomach fat?" And "fast?"
Well, it's a mystery that has been dying to be solved, and fortunately it really has been solved. You will need very simple steps to lose stomach fat really fast, trust me, I tried it myself, and I was jumping up and down after three weeks, when I could actually see the curves of my six pack.
You see in order to actually lose stomach fat, you need to make sure, the overall bodyfat is low. You probably have heard this again and again. But I am still convinced to say that you HAVE to lose overall bodyfat.
And I am sure, you sure want to know how to get rid of that flabby arms, fat around back, fat thighs, and breast fat as well..
The following simple steps are guaranteed to help you lose stomach fat atleast by an inch or two in just three weeks. An inch or two? Disappointed?
Trust me, you will be looking real good once you see results, and you want to lose four inches? Continue it for another three weeks with added variation...
1. The first thing you need to do is get yourself motivated. This can be done by putting a really hot looking poster infront of your bed so that the minute you decide to hit the snooze button, you see the picture and reconsider the snooze button.
Why do I suggest you to wake up early. The fact is, in ordet to lose stomach fat fast, you are going to workout two times a day. That's right folks. TWO times a DAY.
2. Now for you morning cardio. Now you are probably pissed off because you would surely fall asleep while doing the treadmill or stationary bike for 45 minutes. And of course you will be lazy to get into your gym suit and and go to the gym. Guess what? You are only going to do 20 minutes of cardio or less.
You are not going to be doing any slow boring traditional cardio. You are now entering HIGH Intensity Interval Training. I can give you two options for HIIT but I am going to give you my favourite option. It's called Bodyweight Interval Training.
I chose this option because I have heard many people say that early morning cardio on an empty stomach will take away all that essential muscle mass in your body. And thank god I found about this GUY who actually gave me a glimpse of heaven.
With bodyweight training, you are going to burn very large amounts of fat for 24 HOURS straight and you are also going to gain very good amount of muscle.
A sample bodyweight training according to this GUY would be like the video below. Repeat this video thrice.
But as Craig mentions in the video, it is only an upper body workout, and believe me, lower body workouts are really intense. Since I followed the Turbulence Training 6 month Training manual to get my early morning cardio, that is what I am going to recommend to you too..

3. Immediately after your morning workout, have a glass of whey protein. It is hundred percent natural and not at all harmful for your body because its made from certain ingredients in milk.
Whey protein is highly important to help you lose stomach fat. And I mean very important, because it is pure protein with no fat or carb. Add 14g scoop to a glass of cool water and drink it. I usually prefer chocholate flavour. But there is also strawberry and vanilla.
4. Now comes a very important rule to lose stomach fat. You need to eat a minimum of six short meals a day. All your meals are going to be between 350 to 500 calories. And make my words, you need to have lean protein on every meal you have.
Protein is very important. It is going to play a major role in losing overall bodyfat. Lean chicken, Lean fish and whey proteing is all you need for three weeks. You want lean meat? Keep it low.
A Sample Diet Plan would look like this:
Meal 1 - Three Egg Whites + 2 Whole Grain Toast
Meal 2 - 1 Cup Low Fat Yoghurt with two scoops of Whey Protein
Meal 3 - One cup brown rice, 4oz chicken breast and a little bit addition here or there won't matter.
Meal 4 - A handful of almonds and a banana
Meal 5 - Large Salad with Mixed vegetables, 2 oz turkey breast, drizzle of olive oil.
Meal 6 - 1 cup free cottae cheese, 1 cup pineaple, 1 cup blueberries, 1 oz walnuts
5. If you have to be going for work, then you can workout after you come back home. There is no time choice in doing your second workout. But beware you need to have a minimum of 8 hours time gap betweeen you morning workout and your next workout. You second workout is a little more intense. And I mean really intense. It is only going to take 40 minutes or less, but I assure you, once you are done, you are going to be dripping of so much sweat, you could see right through your garment.
But for this, you need to have a pair of dumbells with adjustable weights. You are only going to be targetting major muscle groups in your body with compound exercises that will not only work your major muscle groups, but even the smaller muscle groups as well, This gives you a major shock to your body and you are successfully working your body to lose stomach fat fast.
You are going to do A followed by B and repeat that two times before going to the next. A good workout would look like this:
1A; Dumbell Squat 10 reps. 1B; Dumbell Bench Press 10 Reps[Repeat twice and go to the next]
2A; Dumbell Lunges 10 reps on each side. 2B Dumbell Shoulder Press10 Reps on each side.[Repeat Twice]
3A; Dumbell Incline Curls10 reps. 3B Close Grip Pushups8 Reps.
6. Another glass of protein shake.
7. One point you should note is to never give up on anything. The workout I have provided above will help you for four weeks. But you need variation. Vartiation is a big key to help you not only to lose stomach fat, but also to get rid of all the fat in your body.
8. Very important thing you need to make sure is that, the weight training in step 5 is to be done for three days a week only. Example, Monday, wednesday, friday. Rest of the days, you are going to be doing bodyweight workouts in the morning as well as in the evening. Do this from Monday to Friday, and take rest on the 6th and 7th day.
Two days rest is a waste? Well, you have stressed your body to the maximum with these workouts. So you need to make sure you give your body enough rest to get stronger.
9. You are looking for the part where I say to work your abs right? Well, the fact is, I had purchase this video, that gives me an 8 minute workout for my abs, and mark my words, it really fires up my abs so hard, I end up in tears in the last set. I would give you the video for free, but it's against law, buy you can purchase it here, 8 minute abs.
The video asks you to do the ab workout everyday. But you are only going to do it for three days after your weight training workout.
This is just a sample of what actually lies infront of you. If you believe these workouts work, what if I told you, you can get the entire database of workouts from the book Turbulence Training. It's a huge database of workouts and also, you get a diet and nutrition plan. My diet sample is little different from it because copying from it is against the law.
I actually worship this book. Only buy it if you really want to. And I am sure you if you follow my exact plan, you can get results in three weeks, and also finally be successful in losing that stomach fat you always wanted to get rid of. To get the variation feel free to purchase this book and also visit TurbulenceTraining.Com to see if they still have that $180 bonues and damn that's a huge bonus.
Anyways, good luck with your fat loss journey.