When I first heard about Turbulence Training, I said to myself, "Oh No!" another workout program with rehashed information trying to pull cash out of the people's wallets.
Well actually, I heard about this product from another fitness expert, Nick Nilsson. He sent me a mail saying how great this product is and how it promises that you can blowtorch your body fat using nothing but your own bodyweight.
Now that is something..! I mean, so far, the only stuff I kept hearing was, do bench press, do squats, do curls etc.. But nobody has ever said that your own body is the best gym in the world and that there are various forms of pushups and squats that can crank your body to the max.
This grabbed my attention and being a fitness fanatic myself, I HAD to purchase the Turbulence Training book myself, and being the type of guy who wants everything, I purchased the $69.95 package that contains both the original Turbulence Training Workout and the 6 Month Bodyweight Training manual.
I just brushed through the workouts to get familiar with them, and the following things were what I really love most in this guide:
- There are pictures showing precisely how to perform the workout - The exact speed at which you should perform the repetitions - The exact number of reps and sets you are required to do - A readymade meal plan with awesome recipes that I am in love with ;) - A whole hearted support by Craig Ballantyne. He never forgot to reply to my mails. - It takes a maximum of 45 minutes per session and you only need to do it 3 times a week.
Those are just the top of the cream. When I start following the program, I noted two things that he mentioned was very important,

- Always change your workout every 4 weeks, making your body confused all the time, so it keeps burning fat.
- Supersets using compound exercises create maximum turbulence in the body for fat loss.
So did Turbulence Training fill the promise it made with such hype in the sales letter? You bet it did. Actually the product is over delivering.
This guide has workouts routines for individuals ranging from beginners to advanced fitness trainers who have praised Craig Ballantyne for creating workouts that they personal find it hard to complete.
I personally was following the Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle Guide for a very long time, and though I was having success with it, I was having a hard time planning workouts that could keep breaking my plateaus.
And here it was, Turbulence Training. I started with the Original 2K2 Workout which is after the Beginner and Intermediate level workouts, but unfortunately I had to get back to the intermediate level workout because the original workout looks easy but was impossible for me to complete.
Unfortunately, there were two things I do not like in Turbulence Training;
- It comes in PDF format so it is instantly available to download once your payment is made. This is a problem because a guide with so much precious information needs to be in print to be followed through easily
- I sweat more than I would if I did two hour workout at the gym. ;)
So who is this product recommended for?
If you are one of those who believe in the "No Pain No Gain Rule", and are willing to follow whatever you are told to do without hanky panky, then this is the perfect program for you.
On the other hand, if you are one of the lazy type folks who just wish your belly fat disappears while you are doing nothing, then I recommend you go get a liposuction or start drinking some pills [which will make you more fat eventually].
And finally, what are the requirements for this program? In other words, what tools do you need for this program?
The requirements are as follows;
- A pair of dumbbells and, - A chin-up bar [Optional]
- Your Own Bodyweight.
Verdict: Highly Recommended. Don't forget to buy extra Ink Cartridges. ;)
==> Click here to visit www.TurbulenceTraining.com