If you have not watched the movie 300 yet, I think it's high time you watch it. My jaws just dropped wide open when I saw the greek warriors. Damn, they all have awesome and I mean AWESOME abs, especially the King.

Yes that's right, look at how he looked before he was chosen for the movie, and look at it now. Woho..!
I was terrbily shocked, because I know I am motivated when it comes to fat loss, but this just sent my motivation pulse through the roof. In simple terms, jealousy..!
It's like, man I wish I had those Abs..!
And guess what, when you are jealous of someone else's abs or body, you are either motivated to get a better body than that or you are depressed that you work so hard but never get that kind of body.
I choose the former because, I am a positive guy and for me, motivation is the key to fat loss.
Positive jealousy = motivation.
So my dear readers, GET JEALOUS..!